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Other Religions

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  • Engaging With Jewish People


    Understanding Jewish People
    1. Who Are These People?
    2. What They Believe
    3. Why They Believe
    4. What They Think Of Christians
    5. What You Must Never Forget
    Engaging With Jewish People
    6. Establishing Friendship And Trust
    7. Bringing Up Uncomfortable Topics
    8. Pointing To The Scriptures
    9. Answering Objections
    10. Connecting With The Body Of The Messiah

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    Many Christians are fearful of engaging in conversations about their faith with Jewish people-knowing that there are complex issues and suspicions that lie deep beneath the surface. And yet there are many points of contact, and much common ground.

    This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about the variety of Jewish people we might work with, meet or know, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel. Written at a level that everyone can understand, this book emphasizes the importance of forming loving, honest and open relationships as part of the way we engage with our Jewish friends.

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  • Freemasonry Invisible Cult


    Jack Harris, a former “Worshipful Master” of a Masonic lodge, authoritatively speaks about one of the most deceptive cults in the United States today. Freemasonry is a false religion, teaching that men can approach God not through the finished work of Jesus Christ but through their own abilities. This secret organization has entangled ministers, elders, deacons, trustees, Sunday school teachers, and people all over the world in a web of lies and satanic rituals–all of which are veiled with the language of the Bible! Discover how you can share the light of Christ with those living in the darkness of Freemasonry and how they can be set free from its deception.

    But after reading and studying various Masonic authors, he realized that Freemasonry considers Jesus Christ to be no greater than Moses, Elijah, Mohammed, or Buddha. Needless to say, his faith and trust in the teachings of Masonry were shaken.

    He began to converse with pastors, read the Bible, pray, and debate with other Masons about who Jesus Christ is and where absolute truth is to be found. This went on for two years, until one night he decided to watch a Billy Graham crusade on TV.

    As he listened to Reverend Graham preach, he finally saw himself as God saw him, a sinner without hope and on his way to hell. That night he got on his knees and asked Jesus Christ to forgive him for his sins, come into his life, save him, and be the Lord of his life. At that moment, he accepted the God of the Universe, Jesus Christ, and rejected the god of Freemasonry. He was set free by the One who is the Truth, Jesus Christ. The shackles of Masonic lies were broken.

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  • Engaging With Muslims


    1. Who Are These Muslims We Meet Every Day?
    2. Prayer
    3. Presence
    4. Proclamation
    5. Persuasion
    6. Love Your Muslim Neighbor

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    Many Christians in the west are fearful of engaging in conversations about their faith with Muslims-believing that they will be hostile to Christian beliefs and discussions about the Bible.

    This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about the variety of Muslims there are living in the West, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel. Written at a level that everyone can understand, this book emphasizes the the importance of forming loving relationships-something that all Christians are able to do.

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  • Engaging With Hindus


    A. Understanding Hindus
    1. A Global Faith
    2. What Do Hindus Think Of Christians And Christianity?
    3. Our Approach
    4. Who Is A Hindu?
    5. What Do Hindus Believe And Practise?
    B. Engaging With Hindus
    6. Love
    7. Listen And Learn
    8. Present Christ Positively
    9. Pray
    10. Preparing For Discussion
    11. Understanding Hindu Questions
    12. How Should A Church Engage With Hindus?

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    Hindus represent the third largest faith in the world, and yet many Christians know very little about their beliefs and lifestyle.

    This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about Hindus, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel. Both practical and warm, this book shows that every Christian is able to share their faith with Hindu friends and neighbors.

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  • Engaging With Atheists


    1. Who Are The Atheists?
    2. Beliefs And Practices
    3. Engaging Personally
    4. Engaging With The Gospel
    5. Engaging With The Bible
    6. How Can A Church Engage?
    7. Conclusion And Resources

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    Many Christians are fearful of engaging in conversation with atheists-believing that they will be hostile to Christian beliefs and conversations about the Bible. How can we share God’s love with people who don’t even believe he’s there?!

    This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about the questions and issues that atheists of various kinds have about Christian faith, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel.

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  • Comparing Christianity With World Religions


    The world has always been a melting pot of beliefs, but now more than ever, your neighbor may be part of a differing world religion. The truths of Christianity are compared in key life beliefs to several other religions. A most helpful tool.

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  • Comparing Christianity With The Cults


    What constitutes a cult? How does it contrast with what the Bible says? These colorful and concise brochures will answer seven fundamental questions of life and belief. Contrasted with the truth of God’s Word are cults such as christian Science, Spiritualism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientology, Mormonism, Eastern Mysticism, unification church, Wicca, and others. Perfect for training or for keeping by your front door. Formerly titled The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error.

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  • Am I Being Deceived


    Get rid of the shackles that may be holding you back from truly worshipping! Rediscover your First Love and soar to new spiritual heights, as you find freedom-maybe for the first time. The Virklers’ give poignant definition to false religions and capture the essence of true Christianity in their scripturally grounded work, Am I Being Deceived?. Do you know where the boundaries are? Do you know the distinguishing traits of true Christianity, Phariseeism, and the New Age Movement? You will. Set your borders straight, your vision high, and your passion at full steam ahead.

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  • New Age Bible Versions


    This book is the result of an exhaustive six year collation of new bible versions, their underlying Greek manuscripts, editions, and editors. It objectively and methodically documents the hidden alliance between new versions and the New Age Movement’s One World Religion. The emerging ‘new’ Christianity – with its substitution of riches for righteousness, a crown for a cross, and an imitation for a new creation – is shown to be a direct result of the wording in new versions. Documented are the thousands of words, verses, and doctrines by which new versions will prepare the apostate churches of these last days to accept the religion of the Antichrist – even his mark, image, and Lucifer worship. The Greek manuscripts, critical editions, lexicons and dictionaries behind the new versions are examined, revealing their occult origins, contents, and yet unreleased material – a blueprint for the Antichrist’s One World Religion and government. Presented also is the latest research proving the Authorized King James Version represents not only Christianity’s earliest and most widely used Greek text, but is the easiest version to read according to computer analysis based formulas from the Flesch-Kincaid research firm. Each page opens a door exposing new version editors – in agreement with Luciferians, occultists, and New Age philosophy – in mental institutions, seance parlors, prison cells, and court rooms for heresy trials – and most shocking of all – denying that salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ. Five have lost their ability to speak.

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